Sunday, July 8, 2018


Last night I stood outside and watched a beautiful fireworks display with my fiance. I've always loved fireworks, and also always seen them as very romantic. So it was wonderful to stand there and enjoy them with him.

However, it got me thinking: Yes, I've always viewed fireworks as very romantic. But I always enjoyed them fully when I was single, too.

Romance is not that thing that enables you to live life to the fullest. Romance is not the pinnacle of achievements, in whose shadow all others disappear. Romance does not complete you as a person. Basically what I'm saying is, while romance is wonderful, it's not something superior to the other life experiences we have. Romance is simply one path you can take along the journey, and one of the many things that grow you as a person.

I recently hung out with a dear friend. She's had a tough life, and at the moment she is a divorcee with no romantic prospects. But as I talked with her, I was just amazed at all of the battles she's fought and won, all of her incredible accomplishments, and how fully she loves and embraces her artistic pursuits.

I totally understand how being un-attached can be lonely. I think it's entirely possible to fully embrace life and still feel that loneliness at least some of the time. But I think that even if you feel that loneliness, it doesn't mean you aren't fulfilled in life or that you're failing in some way. Or if you don't feel that loneliness, it doesn't mean there's something wrong with you, either.

(Oh - and there's no shame in you deciding that romance is what you want and what you're going to pursue.)

Anyhow, someone told me once that the love between spouses is different from any other type of love. And it really annoyed me. I mean, I got what they were saying insofar as marriage requires two people to really commit for life and be dedicated to sharing basically every aspect of their lives together. But I also know that the tools they have to use involve all the same elements that are required for any good relationship. And the love and commitment that is found in a marriage is also found in many friendships.

I dunno. Romance is wonderful. But a lot of things are wonderful. So if anybody makes you feel insignificant for what you may or may not have, just tell them to get lost and throw mud on them. Fireworks are just as beautiful and awesome whether you're experiencing them alone or with someone; romantic, friendship, whatever. It's all beautiful.


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