Thursday, October 11, 2007

Frustrated by Protestors

The other day I got stuck in traffic caused by a caravan of protestors. Cars, trucks and vans, making their way slowly down the parkway, were marked with slogans such as, "Stop racist laws against immigrants."

Obviously the illegal immigration issue is a huge one right now; and especially in the area in which I live, as local politicans are seriously considering laws that would restrict certain government services to illegal immigrants.

Now if I were an illegal immigrant, I know I would be highly concerned about these restrictions - they would make it that much harder for me to live in the United States. And as an American citizen, I don't pretend to understand everything pertaining to the issue, nor do I pretend to have all of the answers.

All the same, I couldn't help feeling frustrated by all of the protestors.

For one thing: the immigration issue does not concern people coming to the United States legally, but instead only concerns those people entering the country illegally. Don't stuff everyone with all this crap about racism. I want all people from all nations to have the opportunity to come into the country. All I ask is that they enter it legally and with respect for its laws.

For another thing: I pay my taxes every year, which fund even an illegal immigrant's access to education, paved roads, etc.; and if the illegal immigrants then turn around and berate me for thinking about removing those privileges freely provided, it is as if they are saying, "Why are you taking these privileges away from us? We feel it is our right to receive them."

To which I would reply, "What right is that? You're not a legal citizen."

Frankly, I'm not sure the best procedure is to deny government services to illegal immigrants who are already in the United States. I tend to think that our country's best success will be in restricting our borders to prevent any more illegal access and in that way improving the opportunity for those who desire to enter the United States legally.

But for goodness' sake - how can anyone take for granted taxpayer-funded services, who does not even respect the laws set in place by said taxpayers to enter the country legally?


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